Bristol Hi-Fi Show
Russ Andrews customer Jason B wrote to me recently having attended the Bristol Hi-Fi Show, commenting that one of our competitors were opening up our equipment to show the differences between their products and ours; implying that just because something is stuffed full of electronics, it must be good. My design philosophy has always been based on a belief in simplicity not complexity, quality not quantity. Jason, as a customer, said he found himself defending us on a number of occasions. I thank him for his concern and for sticking up for us. Advertising in magazines is very important, but our best advertisements are our happy customers who know the true value of what they have bought.
I am saddened, but not surprised that some other mains cable and accessory manufacturers should make the mistake of trying to promote themselves by knocking their competitors. Had they set up a fair A/B comparison of the sonic differences between their products and ours, I would be perfectly happy. Then people would be able to judge for themselves whether we are right to design our products in the way we do. We are passionate about what we do and we extensively research, design and manufacture the best performing products we know how to make. People should judge our products on their sonic benefits and value for money. Just as Jason did.
Our absence from Bristol in recent years is purely political. Audio Excellence will not allow us to exhibit because we sell by Mail Order and not through Hi-Fi Dealers. I would have been there myself but it clashed with a family Birthday celebration (mine, I've reached the grand old age of 60).
We plan to exhibit at the Hi Fi News Heathrow Show and are also planning a series of local shows with Hi Fi Plus.