Monday, November 14, 2005

Blind Testing... down a blind alley?

The subject of Blind Listening Tests came up again recently (it has raised its head regularly since the 1950s at least) so rather than simply reply to the questioner, I will make my view public (again).

In the process I will recommend a magazine you should be reading. Stereophile is brilliantly edited by John Atkinson, onetime Editor of Hi-Fi News. I want you to read a piece by John Iverson in the 'As We See It' column of August 2005. Go to

I fully agree with John's argument.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Recording quality and the value of valves

Well, I'm back from my holiday and I've had a chance to catch up with some of the questions you've asked in my first entries.

Peter the Guitarist asked if we have considered making instrument cables. Well, we do have a Pro Audio catalogue but the cables are not on the website... yet. Contact us via and we'll organise a catalogue to be sent to you.

Fatwyre says "You have always stated importance of basics. With the quality of recordings today, who needs hifi?". You know, everyone needs Hi-Fi! Recording quality has ebbed and flowed cyclically since at least the 1960s. If your favourite music is badly recorded - complain to the musicians. many of them really care - we have rewired David Gilmour Music studio and Russel Watson's, and supplied cables to Simply Red and several producers including Ken Nelson who produces Coldplay. Ken is a great fan of our products. Currently we have cables being evaluated at Abbey Road.

Will in Bratislava asks about my views on valve-based systems (and Dave the Bass also mentions valve-based systems as a reply to my question about why Hi-Fi shows are badly attended.) Dave - I don't understand why so many companies seem content to make a 'laughably bad' sound at hi-Fi shows either. It seems a waste of money to me just to put listeners off buying your products. Will - I've heard good and bad valve based systems just as I've heard good and bad solid state systems. I only care about the musical results, I'm not prejudiced either way.